November 12, 2010


Pete Dexter

Post Office
Charles Bukowski

Barney's Version
Mordecai Richler

Just Kids
Patti Smith

Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness
William Styron  

The Bar on the Seine 
Georges Simenon 

The Strangers in the House
Georges Simenon

The Long Goodbye
Raymond Chandler

  James Prosek

Simenon Omnibus # 1
Georges Simenon

John Brandon

Dog of the South
Charles Portis 

I Was Looking for a Street
Charles Williford

The Way We Die Now
Charles Williford

Motherless Brooklyn
Jonathan Lethem

 A Good Day to Die
Jim Harrison

Imperial Bedrooms
Brett Easton Ellis

The Anthologist
Nicholson Baker

Charles Willeford

Dave Eggers

Lunar Park
Brett Easton Ellis

Crazy for the Storm
Norman Ollestad

Padgett Powell

The Empty Mirror
Janwillem van de Wetering

Inherent Vice
Thomas Pynchon

Roger Deakin

Wise Blood
Flannery O'Connor

The Subterraneans 
Jack Kerouac

The High Window
Raymond Chandler

Aliens in the Prime of Their Lives
Brad Watson

Literary Life:  Second Memoir
Larry McMurtry

Wildwood: A Journey Through Trees
Roger Deakins

Last Days of the Dog-Men: Stories
Brad Watson

Shoplifting From American Apparel
Tao Lin

Off the Wall: A Portrait of Robert Rauschenberg
Calvin Tomkins

High Lonesome
Barry Hannah

Sometimes a Great Notion
Ken Kesey

Town Smokes
Pickney Benedict

Interrogative Mood
Padgett Powell

Barry Hannah

Evening's Empire
Bill Flanagan

Everything Ravaged Everything Burned
Wells Tower

Ice Rink
Roberto Bolano

Homer and Langley
E.L. Doctorow

Monsieur Pain
Roberto Bolano

Our Noise: Merge Records Story
John Cook, Mac McCaughan, Laura Ballance

Let the Great World Spin
Colum McCann